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Article : Unveiling the Secret to Happiness Using EFT
Name : Andrew McCombe
City: Sydney
State : New South Wales
Country : Australia
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The secret to happiness is almost as allusive as the search for the mythical holy grail. For thousands of years men and women have searched the corners of the earth for this alluring secret but could it be that the secret was not so secret after all and in fact it would seem the secret to happiness was within all of us, all along. And here it is…

The secret to happiness is:

"Be, Do and Have whatever makes you happy and if it is good for you, then Be, Do and Have it as often as you possibly can."

Why? Because Scientists throughout the world have proven countless times that our external environment is a direct reflection of our internal environment. This is based on the premise that everything, including us humans are all made up of energy and the frequency (or wave length) our energy vibrates at, will only ever attract to us energy that is in alignment with this vibration in our external environment.

Therefore, to experience happiness in our external world we first need to experience happiness in our internal world (eg through the quality of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs all being in alignment with Happiness).

Seems simple right? And it is…But for so many of us the attainment of happiness is a life long quest that some of us never manage to achieve.
And here are 2 reasons why…

1) Most people do not know what makes them happy or
2) They have resistance to their happiness, in the form of negative thoughts, feelings beliefs and / or behaviours.

So how can we overcome this?

Well here is a simple 5 step process that I use to help my clients achieve a greater level of happiness (or health, wealth, relationship, career and / or business success among other things) on a daily basis…

Step One: Choose an area of your life that you would like to either improve or remove.
Because this article is about happiness then let's use Happiness as our example.
Remember…When choosing the area of your life that you would like to improve be as specific as possible with your description and remember to state it as if it already exists.

For example: I am Happy

Step Two: Identify what your ideal outcome for this area of your life would LOOK and FEEL like as if it already exists.

For example: If you want to attract your ideal level of Happiness describe on one list exactly what your IDEAL level of Happiness would LOOK like (as if it already exists) and on another list exactly what your IDEAL Happiness would FEEL like (as if it already exists).

Note: If you struggle with this, look at all the things that you do not want currently with your level of Happiness and then write down the opposite of these on your lists.

Step Three: Identify and list any Negative or Limiting THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, BELIEFS and / or BEHAVIOURS that may be stopping you from being, doing or having this level of Happiness now.

Step Four: Remove these Negative or Limiting THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, BELIEFS and / or BEHAVIOURS one by one using EFT. (If you are not familiar with Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT) then download the free e-book at for instructions)

For example:
Create the set up statement "Even though I do not know what makes me happy, I deeply and completely accept myself."
Identify on a scale of 0-10 how badly do I feel about this statement. (10 being the worse you could feel)
Tap on the Karate Chop Point whilst repeating: Even though I do not know what makes me happy, I deeply and completely accept myself and repeat 3 times.
Eye Brow: I do not know what makes me happy, and this makes me feel (insert feelings here)
Side of Eye: I do not know what makes me happy, and this makes me feel (insert feelings here)
Under Eye: I do not know what makes me happy, and this makes me feel (insert feelings here)
Under Nose: I do not know what makes me happy, and this makes me feel (insert feelings here)
Chin: I do not know what makes me happy, and this makes me feel (insert feelings here)
Collar Bone: I do not know what makes me happy, and this makes me feel (insert feelings here)
Under Arm: I do not know what makes me happy, and this makes me feel (insert feelings here)
Re-Assess how you feel about not knowing what makes you happy and if it has not dropped to a zero then keep tapping until it has.

Remember: If you have any other aspects, such as repetitive thoughts, feelings, beliefs or memories appear then tap on them also and because I added the "and this makes me feel" statement at the end of the reminder statement then you may need to tap on these feelings separately. For example, if you put "I do not know what makes me happy and this makes me feel frustrated and angry", then you will also need to create a separate set up statement for these feelings (frustration and anger) and tap on them separately.

Step Five: After performing the EFT, list the positive strategies that you will need to perform in order to bring about your Ideal Situation and then TAKE ACTION on them until you have achieved them.

Step Six: Repeat Steps One to Five on any other Ideal Situations that you want to achieve.

The search for happiness, just like the search for your life purpose is a very common one and you will find that when you actually start tapping on the stress of not being happy or not knowing your life purpose and removing this stress, your happiness and life purpose for that matter is often sitting there waiting for you.

Good luck with your tapping and I look forward to hearing about the amazing possibilities that begin to emerge when you remove the stress associated with your quest for happiness, life purpose, health and wellbeing, wealth, ideal partner etc etc etc.

Here's to living a simple, balanced and fulfilling life of EASE
Andrew McCombe
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