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Name : Mia Doucet
City: London
Zip : N6B 3R5
Country : Canada
State : Ontario
Phone Number : 519-679-8734 800-240-8734 941-493-8961
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And You Had 8 Years With A Psychotherapist?
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And You Had 8 Years With A Psychotherapist?
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : Relationships
Description : My first session with this client, which lasted about 45 minutes start to finish, resulted in her resolving lifelong issues of anger toward her mother. My client reports feeling much calmer than she was when she came in. She had never made the correlation between feelings of (low) self-esteem, not feeling good enough and letting people take advantage of her with things that happened in her childhood. It clicked. She describes it as a big "aha" moment. I just have to ask . . . “How many years did you go to a psychotherapist?” No wonder people love EFT and FasterEFT.
Testimonial - Janet
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Testimonial - Janet
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : General Tapping
Description : My client and friend Janet, who is in business for herself, says the FasterEFT work . . . she did the whole life overhaul . . . even made a difference in her own clients’ results. The extra weight that she had been carrying for years and that had a negative impact on her self image is gone. FasterEFT cleared away events from her past that she thought she had got rid of . . . in a fast, efficient, compassionate way. “If there's even one area of your life that is not going well . . . one or two things that are out of sync . . . Faster EFT is well worth it."
Janet’s Magnificent Change
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Janet’s Magnificent Change
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : General Tapping
Description : Coach, facilitator, consultant Janet graciously talks about her transformation since our “life overhaul” sessions two years earlier. Like so many of my clients, Janet’s weight was uppermost in her mind when we started to work together. And, like most of my clients, she felt she had already dealt with limiting beliefs and issues from her past. She found that the weight was only a symptom of these deeper, unresolved issues. Janet underscores the fact that EFT and FasterEFT deal with life’s problems in a safe, positive, non-judgmental way. The work transformed her relationship with herself and everyone around her, including her clients. She stepped into her own power. The results were way beyond her expectations. I am so grateful to people like Janet who are so happy to share their transformational results so that others may benefit. (I say this because most of my clients require anonymity.) Her advice to someone considering FasterEFT? "Trust the process."
Considering FasterEFT? Trust The Process
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Considering FasterEFT? Trust The Process
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : General Tapping
Description : My client Janet reports that her whole life overhaul was not ugly! (And, of course, I tell her, “We don’t do ugly work here.”) She says the whole EFT | FasterEFT process was “always done in a positive, caring empathetic, compassionate way . . . however with the goal of moving things forward. I felt cared for and appreciated all the way through.” No blame or judgment. The series of small changes became a “magnificent change.” Her advice to someone considering FasterEFT? “Trust the process.”
You Look 10, 15, 20 Years Younger
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You Look 10, 15, 20 Years Younger
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : Weight Loss
Description : Two years after our weight loss sessions, my client says, "People are consistently saying to me, "Wow, you look 10, 15 years younger! . . . I have a lot more energy . . . my self-confidence has skyrocketed." Not only has she released unwanted weight, she released a lot of emotional baggage that was weighing her down. She now feels congruent as a coach, speaker and facilitator and describes herself as a recovering perfectionist. (Actually, a lot of my clients do . . . is there such a thing, really?) She said she let go of the perfectionist gene that was stopping her in her tracks. Now she aims for excellence. Her successful weight loss converts to her business and relationships. She says it's possible to have things flow instead of being difficult and challenging in all areas of your life. "The real difference for me . . . is having an unconditional love for myself that I didn't have before."
EFT: 40-Year Pepsi Craving Gone
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EFT: 40-Year Pepsi Craving Gone
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : Addictions
Description : My client had been addicted to Pepsi, Coke and other sodas for 40 years. This video takes place 10 days after a one-hour EFT session to rid her of her craving, which she labeled "an addiction" to Pepsi, aspartame and caffeine. I offer her a can of Pepsi and she says she doesn't want it, doesn't crave it and doesn't need it any more. I ask whether she feels she will one day want to have a drink. Her response indicates the changes in her brain. In her mind, the addiction is now a habit that she used to have in the past. She has no regrets, although she was totally drained after our session. Honestly, now, do you know of an easier way to cure yourself of a craving or addiction than tapping on your meridian system with EFT or FasterEFT?
With EFT You'll Forget You Had This Stress
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With EFT You'll Forget You Had This Stress
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : General Tapping
Description : I explain The Sun Is Shining Syndrome. After tapping, memories change. Some are deleted forever. A client may even deny ever having had a trauma or painful situation. The brain changes. When I first became a practitioner, it was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen. When I told one client she looked 10 years younger than the last time I saw her, she said, “It's spring. The sun is shining. And I took the dog for a walk in the park this morning.” My response (because I had known her for decades and could get away with being snotty was, “So, in the past three years that you have been suffering with this problem, not sleeping, crying all the time, was it ever spring? Did the sun ever shine? Did you ever take puppy for a walk in the park?” That’s how effective EFT and FasterEFT are at resolving emotional issues.
The EFT Meridian Tapping Process
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The EFT Meridian Tapping Process
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : General Tapping
Description : An in-depth explanation of the EFT Tapping Process. The setup statement includes both a negative and a positive statement. I no longer agree with the batteries metaphor. We say the setup statement three times. I explain the EFT meridian tapping points in some depth and refer to the fact that meridians are named by organs.
Cravings: It's Not About Food, It's About A Deeper Need
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Cravings: It's Not About Food, It's About A Deeper Need
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : Weight Loss
Description : In this conversation about food cravings, I discuss with my client how cravings can migrate from sweet to salty to greasy. Once you take care of one, another can pop up out of nowhere. There is an infinite variety of things we could become addicted to. This underscores the fact that it’s not about specific food addictions. It’s about a deep need that needs to be satisfied. It’s also about memories and emotions and associations and what we call self-sabotage. Fortunately EFT and FasterEFT can rid you of food addictions and self-sabotage once and for all.
Why EFT Works Only 80%-85% Of  The Time
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Why EFT Works Only 80%-85% Of The Time
Name of Practitioner : Mia Doucet
Topic : General Tapping
Description : When I was working with women on releasing traumas, after we had cleared away a few episodes of abuse, they would often say, “This is fine but what I really want to work on is my weight.” What I learned is that issues of weight are far more complex than overcoming trauma and abuse. My friend/mentor/psychic healer Jane discovered that EFT is wonderful at resolving something that your subconscious sees as a problem or as a negative. But it doesn’t work on what the subconscious sees as positive. That’s why EFT works 80% to 85% of the time. I later discovered that FasterEFT is far more effective. But that is a whole other conversation.
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