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Article : All is well, Tapping excersize
Name : Karen Hayes
City: Visalia/Santa Cruz
State : California
Country : United States
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“All is well” a powerful spiritual exercise. While Tapping!

1. I am my only business, being in and of God or source energy.
2. If I believe my unloving or fearful thoughts, I allow suffering.
3. I choose My thoughts and I can create with love.
4. I choose 100% of the time, love or suffering in my world

In my moving towards a belief system where I know, there is nothing that needs my help, there is nothing that needs fixing or changing. I would direct this at myself, any thought that feels unloving to me. Any thought that takes me away from my business and into God’s or any other persons.

Mantra/ chant 1. What would love do.
2. I know only the innocence of all involved.
3. Grateful and knowing “all is well”.
1. What would love do here.

What would love do. Is an up leveled though of “I’m sorry.” Being sorry does not add anything we want into our world. Feeling sorry is suffering which the world does not need more of. When we are feeling sorry we are powerless, punishing and sabotaging ourselves. We are sending this vibration into our world, amplifying more opportunity to create more “feeling sorry”.
The good news is in asking “What would love do here” we take positive action, up leveling the emotion and the vibration that is sent out. We can send our intention of love (feeling it in the now) to any situation, past or present. Since there is no time, we are not bound in our ability to send love to any situation.

2. I know only the innocence of all involved.

I know only the innocence of all involved is an up leveled though of “forgive me”. Give up the thought that anyone or anything has the power to hurt you. It only hurts because we gave it permission to. We are the ones who assign and attach the meaning to any behavior. We filter it through our consciousness bringing up past incidents and memories (our story) that are similar. We then remember the pain and resonate with it, then express it.
To excuse a fault or an offense, pardon. Better to choose “not to see an offense at all” and see all as innocent.

Instead, try adding the “feeling” of innocence, the (give it up-ness or releasing of it), adding innocents and love to yourself, anyone involved or to the situation.

Being the creative beings that we are if we focus our attention on “forgiving ourselves and others we can create reasons to “have to forgive” But when we concentrate on “giving it up”. Releasing it” allowing it to dissolve”, seeing everyone innocent within the situation and adding love we can create more wellbeing. Can you feel this difference?

3. Grateful and knowing “all is well”.

Grateful and knowing is my up level though of “Thank you”. Grateful is a verb, Feeling grateful, accepting everything as it is. Knowing that divine love, universal intelligence, source energy, GOD (or whatever you call it) is in the midst of everything and feeling “ALL IS WELL”. Thank you that I have become conscious of something that is not serving me in my life and now I can choose different. I can up-level my thoughts surrounding any situation that is disturbing my peace of mind. Feel and emanate gratitude into our world.

“All is well” is an up leveled thought of “to set things right”. In having to set things right it assumes something can be wrong. When coming from my highest awareness, I know this cannot be true. Everything is happening as it should. Anything that looks wrong from our personal perspective does not take into account that there are all different levels of development or evolution going on here on earth. Source allows us to choose and express in any arena that we choose, need or will serve us. Even if we can’t wrap our mind around it, there are those around us who play war, until they can understand and up level their thought’s, that is the way it is. Knowing all really is well, is brings us back to source.
“All is well” is similar to Ho’oponopono. I sincerely hope is that no one is offended by my retrofitting it to use for my own personal use. Please know that is not my intention. When I happened to share these thoughts with friends, they exuberantly encouraged me to write them down and share. I know Ho’oponopono is perfect as it is, for the people who love and use it just as my version is perfect for me. Thank you.
Karen Hayes February 20, 2010 copyright 2008/ 2010 KarenHayes, all rights reserved
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