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Article : Therapy with a Twist
Name : Ellen Richter
City: huntington
State : New York
Country : United States
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Therapy with an EFT Twist

By Ellen Richter


let’s answer your question first. 
What is EFT?  It stands for
Emotional Freedom Technique and is an incredibly simple yet powerful tool to
release emotional blocks that weigh you down and keep you stuck. It was
developed by Gary Craig and involves tapping on acupuncture points to
neutralize negative emotions, beliefs and experiences that we carry around with
us that keep us from living to our fullest potential. It involves collapsing
the legs of an emotional table so the whole issue releases and one is freed from
the burden of gnawing negativity.  Unresolved negative emotions cause all sorts of problems for
us in our daily lives. Many people are unaware that they carry unresolved
emotional strife.  Once these
issues are identified and released, the person feels like a huge weight is
lifted from them.  Often they feel
and look younger as their energy is freed up and they are in closer alignment
with whom they really are!  EFT is
noninvasive and can be used on anything.  You can easily get relief from emotional trauma, stress and
anxiety, craving and weight issues, aches and pains, depression, low self
esteem, and the like.

can be used while in the midst of a negative situation or as a therapy modality
to release subconscious, old buried hurts. By experiencing a negative situation
either in the present or purposely remembering it while tapping on the
acupuncture meridian endpoints, the body is actually neutralizing and releasing
it for good! An extra bonus is that often, physical conditions and symptoms
will disappear because they are usually a product of unresolved emotional
issues.  EFT is a powerful tool
that allows a quick emotional healing as opposed to what would normally take
years of traditional therapy to resolve.  It frees you up to focus on the positive you want to manifest
in your life. Using EFT in combination with the Law of Attraction is an
extremely effective way to quickly move forward in life.


Law of Attraction has come to the forefront of awareness recently thanks to the
hit book/DVD The Secret by Rhonda
Byrne.  This universal law states:
that which is like unto itself is drawn.   The “like” is referencing vibration. We live in a
vibrational universe and everything from your computer, to the plant in your
den, to your pets, to your thoughts, vibrate. Quantum Physics studies this area
of science and there is now an abundance of scientific evidence to support
this.  Thoughts of love, peace and
joy are examples of high vibrational thoughts, while thoughts of anger, resentment
and fear are examples of low vibrational thoughts.  Your predominant thoughts and beliefs determine what
vibration you are offering to the universe, and the Law of Attraction is always
matching that vibration. 
Therefore, you cannot attract to you high vibrational desires if you are
not a match to them. When you are carrying around unresolved emotional issues
your core vibration is at the low end. Even if you think you are a positive
thinker, you are often unaware of your unconscious thoughts that predominate
most of your vibrational set point. Most of our thoughts are actually at the
unconscious level and we are not even aware they are part of us and affect our
lives so deeply.

does this mean to you? How does therapy and EFT fit in?  Learning to live by this universal
principle empowers you to create your life by design! How amazing is that? You
really can live the life you desire. You can have the wealth you want, the
relationship you want and the career that makes you happy. You can have that healthy
body and the self-confidence you truly desire. Learning to apply the Law of
Attraction in all areas of your life combined with the use of EFT to release
the emotional blocks allows you to break free and soar! Where therapy is past
based, Law of Attraction coaching is present and future based. Where do you
want to go in your life? What goals and dreams do you have? Are you presently
in the job/career you want? Is your health and body image the way you want it
to be? Do you feel empowered in your relationships? Are you experiencing
financial abundance?

can identify your emotional issues and release them quickly with EFT, thereby
raising your vibration and becoming an attraction magnet for the exciting
things you want in your life! Then you can learn the tools to live in harmony
with the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires and dreams. Think of how
different your life would be right now had you learned all this as a child.
Think about how different your life can be starting right now! As you
incorporate this way of living into your being and magical changes start to
happen, you will also be uplifting those around you.

is your life so why not design it and live it your way!




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