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Article : To Your Success
Name : Ellen Richter
City: huntington
State : New York
Country : United States
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To Your

Secrets to Creating the Life
You Want

By Ellen Richter


Law of Attraction has gotten everybody’s attention lately, and with good
reason! It is one of the fundamental laws of the universe and if you live in
accordance with the universal laws, your life will flow easily and you will
experience prosperity in all areas.


are some very important tips to using the Law of Attraction successfully and I
will share a few of them with you in this e-book.


most basic beliefs we hold about the universe determine our predominant
thoughts, which in turn guide our actions on a conscious and unconscious level.


do you view the universe? Ask yourself. Do you believe there is an unlimited
supply of energy and  “invisible
stuff” as Wallace D. Wallace in The Science of Getting Rich talks about?
Or do you believe there is a limited supply and you operate from a lack or
scarcity mentality? If the latter is true for you then you will feel the need
to compete to get what you want rather than create your life as you desire.
Re-examine your belief system and immerse yourself in both scientific and
spiritual teachings that will help you to view the universe as the unlimited
portal that it is.  Use EFT or the
Sedona Method to help clear your limiting beliefs. When you know there is an
unlimited supply available to you, you will focus your energies on creating
what you desire.


I’d like to talk about resistance. What is it and why is it important to
deliberately creating the life of success you desire? Resistance is arguing
with the present reality. What is, is. It happened. Accept it and you will be
in a state of non-resistance, which is a high vibrational state and a good
point of attraction. But go further than that! Understand the Law of Polarity: Everything has two equal and opposing sides. That
means that every situation can be viewed as negative or positive, since both
sides of that coin always exist. It’s up to you to decide which side you choose
to focus on. So even if you can’t see the good in a situation, if you know with
certainty that the Law of Polarity exists and therefore there has to be a good
side to everything, you can accept what has transpired and perhaps even be
grateful for it! This takes a commitment but is so well worth the practice!


A simple word.  A very important
word.  Define it. Understand it.
And most importantly, practice it as often as you can.  For when you are in a state of
gratitude, you are not only focused on the good and thereby raising your
vibration, you are opening the door to receive more of what you want. How? When
you are grateful for everything that you already have, you want to give it
away, knowing that the universe is abundant and will send more of what you
desire right back to you. By giving, you open the door to receiving. Abundance
in all its forms is flowing through you. Make a Gratitude list, keep a
gratitude journal, be grateful for every “bad” thing that comes to you,
reminding yourself of the Law of Polarity. Give away what you most desire
yourself. For as you give, you send the message of abundance and you will
attract more of what you want to you. Try it! Remember it! Live it!


No not the $10 a week you got as a kid! Allowance as in Allowing things to flow
to you. Are you opening the door to allow your desires in? Do you feel you
deserve them? Is change uncomfortable for you? To be successful and prosperous
in all areas of life you need to be clear of your desires, raise your vibration
(gratitude is the best way) and allow them to come into your life. Examine your
subconscious beliefs. As you say your affirmations, watch for uncomfortable
bodily sensations. This will clue you in to opposing unconscious beliefs that
you need to clear in order to manifest what you want. Find a clearing method
that works for you. Replace old limiting beliefs with new empowering ones.
Enlist support and believe in the infinite possibilities!


Law of Attraction is always at work. Try applying some of these strategies to
make it work for you in the most joyful ways. The universe will support you!


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