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Article : 5 Rs for Letting Go
Name : Aila Accad, RN
City: Charleston
State : West Virginia
Country : United States
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“Human beings do not have a fear of the unknown. What we fear is letting go of the known.” Anthony DeMello

Think about it. As a child you moved into new situations with curiosity and courage. That is until someone stopped you. That fearless state of curiosity is natural and still available to you, if you can learn to let go of inhibiting learned beliefs.

Letting go is a secret to handling change and moving into new potentiality in your life. Unfortunately, most people do not let go of old limiting beliefs until they feel forced to do so by a crisis. It does not have to be this way.

Five “Rs” for letting go

• Remember how you coped with change in the past.

You have been through significant change before. What skills did you rely upon in those situations? How did you make it through adolescence, childbirth, marriage, divorce, school or first job? What are your skills? Did you brainstorm and evaluate options, research the latest findings, pray, network, rely on trusted family and friends for support? Remember a time you survived in the past and trust you have the skills needed to survive and thrive through this challenge too.

• Recognize your innate strengths.

What are your natural strengths -- positive thinking, curiosity, physical stamina, creativity…? Unlike skills you learn, strengths are natural to you from birth. Recognize and value your innate ability to handle change. An old adage may be helpful here, “God does not give you what you cannot handle.” This is also true from the Law of Attraction perspective. In that view you draw toward you, like a magnet, those experiences you need as opportunities for growth.

• Realize your wisdom from past changes.

Every change brings the opportunity for new awareness, learning, and wisdom. When have you learned the most in your life? What life changing moments taught you something valuable about life and yourself? Most people say it was the tough times, the struggles and the crises that changed their lives for the better. Realizing that life’s challenges can be a path to awareness and insight can help you meet challenges with a positive approach. Ask the question, “What can I learn from this experience?”

• Release your fear and inhibiting thoughts.

In order to be free to dream and hope for something new, you must let go of old visions, descriptions and limitations on the person you think you are or can become. Releasing old ideas of what is possible for you can be difficult, since you learned them very early in childhood. The best technique I have found to release old patterns is the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). The simple technique involves tapping on certain acupressure points while focusing on the inhibiting thought, feeling or behavior you want to release. You can find a demonstration video at:

• Reinforce your daily commitment to a desired future.

Once you release old concepts of what can happen based upon the past, you are free to commit to new visions of how you want the future. Napoleon Hill studied the keys to success. He said, “What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” See yourself moving into a new chapter of life. How do you want to write that chapter? Creation begins by seeing success in your mind, believing it can happen and then taking the daily steps toward that vision. Decide to see your success today and take one step at a time toward that vision. Let go of how you will get there. Just focus on one step and keep the vision in your heart. You can be open to amazing opportunities that show up to support your journey if you can let go of how the result will happen.

Letting Go is the first step in de-stressing and feeling free and confident to handle whatever changes life brings your way.

© 2009 Aila Accad


Aila Accad, RN, MSN ‘Your De-Stress Coach’ is an award-winning speaker, author and transformation coach who inspires and supports people to free their lives from stress and restore inner power. Sign up for her complimentary De-Stress Tips Newsletter, get "Ten Instant Stress Busters" e-book as a gift at
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