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Article : Addressing Infertility Issues
Name : Louise Woods
City: Exeter
State : Devon
Country : United Kingdom
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When couples discover that they are having fertility problems, it can be a very distressing time. Often the couple will feel stressed and they may experience many different negative emotions. Friends and family may not understand what the couple is going through and frequently they will feel like they have no where to turn. This isolation can also happen between the partners and communication can fail, increasing an already stressful situation.

Over time these feelings can intensify and the desire to get pregnant is always at the forefront of the mind. This can lead to feelings of desperation and hopelessness etc. It can literally take over your life and you can think of nothing else. Many people also become jealous of friends, family or even strangers. This can be a terrible experience as not only are there feelings of jealousy but also feelings of guilt or shame for feeling jealous. Sometimes it seems that everywhere you look, there’s someone who is pregnant. Or everywhere you go there are babies and toddlers in sight. It can seem like you are the only person in the world who can’t get pregnant, often leading to the question “why me?”.

The couple may look into infertility treatment and this can create many more emotional and possibly financial issues. Going through IVF for example, can be like a roller coaster ride of emotions, from excitement, anticipation and worry through to fear and disappointment if it doesn’t work.

Reducing the stress and addressing all the negative feelings that are going on can be a great help to both partners and may even help the chances of the couple getting pregnant. One such method for eliminating stress and anxiety is EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques (often called Tapping). EFT is a revolutionary technique based on the principles of acupuncture. It is often known as an Energy Psychology technique as it also addresses the emotions and mind-body connection. Instead of needles, specific points on the body are stimulated (tapped) by the fingertips. Tapping on these specific points (energy channels) sends an electrical current down the channel, clearing any blocked energy. This is done whilst the client is focussed on the issue they are dealing with.

EFT is a technique that is easy to learn, portable and is typically quick to produce results. It also empowers people by allowing them to help themselves whenever stress or negative emotion arises. It can also help restore harmony in the relationship if both partners learn the technique and they help tap each other.

EFT can help address all the negative emotions, stress and anxiety that a couple face. Working with a Practitioner initially, with a sensitive approach, all aspects of the couple’s feelings can be addressed. EFT works by tuning into the problem, as certain points on the body are tapped, thus clearing the blockage associated with that emotion. Certain statements are repeated to help the client tune in to the problem. The statement contains an element of acknowledging the problem and accepting the self despite the problem. This is often the key to eliminating the problem. In some cases only one round of tapping is required, in others the statements may need to be repeated many times until the emotion or feeling subsides. The client is encouraged to tune in themselves and use their own words to describe their feelings as this is much more effective then the Practitioner suggesting words.

The following are example statements that are related to negative emotions and anxieties that can occur during fertility issues.

I feel like I’ll never get pregnant

I feel like trying to get pregnant is taking over my life

I’m jealous of {name person} because she is pregnant

I feel ashamed and guilty for feeling jealous and I should be happy for {name person}

I'm so stressed I can't stop worrying about getting pregnant

I’m worried about the side-effects of these fertility drugs

I’m scared this fertility issue is straining our relationship

I’m anxious that this IVF won’t work

I’m terrified of needles and need them for my treatment

I'm scared of having another miscarriage

I'm scared of having morning sickness

I’m worried about putting on loads of weight and not being able to lose it after the baby is born

I feel I can’t help my wife/partner and a feel hopeless

I wish I could help my wife/partner stop worrying and just relax

It’s my fault we can’t have a baby because of my low sperm count

By focussing on these thoughts whilst tapping on the specific energy points, the emotions are calmed and the energy system balanced. Leaving you feeling much calmer, more able to cope and think clearly.

Often there are many layers of negative emotions that are revealed during EFT sessions. Each one of these is addressed until the emotional “sting” is neutralised. Clients are usually given “tapping homework” to do in between sessions. The client is then empowered to help themselves whenever they feel stressed or anxious and the results are usually quicker with continued tapping.
It is possible to learn EFT yourself very quickly and gain good results. There are instructions on my website. However, it is recommended that with such emotional issues that you work with an experienced practitioner who will guide you through the process and offer you the support you need. For more information please visit my website For a list of UK practitioners please visit and to read about other peoples experiences please visit Gary Craig’s website (founder of EFT) This has a searchable area containing many success stories.

Contact details:

07866 013 637

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